31 No-Fluff Instagram Content Ideas for Coaches

No-Fluff Instagram Content Ideas | ProductiveandFree

To say that Instagram is a great place for you to attract and book your ideal coaching clients is a bit of an understatement.

According to Viralyft Instagram has a monthly user base of over 2.3 billion active users and those users spend an average of 30.6 minutes daily on the app. Moreover, 90% of Instagram users follow a business account and that is why 25% of marketers declare Instagram to be the platform that yields the highest return on investment (ROI).

So, with that large amount of people combined with high engagement rates, why do some coaches still find it difficult to use Instagram to grow their coaching business?

The answer is overwhelm.

It can be challenging to add Instagram marketing to your long list of business tasks especially if you’re not really sure how to create a strategic plan, come up with the right kind of content, and genuinely engage with people on the platform.

We know because we’ve been there too which is why you’ve come to the right place if you want to take at least one thing off your plate:

Coming up with highly effective and engaging content.

Here are 31 no-fluff Instagram content ideas for coaches.

1. Share who your ideal client is and how you can help them

It’s best to be clear right from the beginning by sharing who your ideal client is and how you can help them.

The faster you hone in on who you want to serve and help, the faster you can attract the right people — the people who would best benefit from following you on Instagram, the people you want engaging with you, and the people you aim to have in your coaching program.

Here are some prompts to help you get started:

Who are your ideal coaching clients and what kind of situation are they in? What is their demographics, location, and occupation? What problems do they face? What do they want or need the most? Who are you and what do you do or offer that can help them and their situation? Why should they follow you?

+ Related post: How to Describe Your Business in One Clear Sentence

2. Share your story

Clients are drawn to people they can relate to so be sure to share stories about yourself.

You could share how you got started as a coach and why you do what you do. You could share how you came up with your business name, mission, or vision. You could share a recent turning point for you or your business. You could share your personal before-and-after transformation.

Once clients see your personal side and realize that you know what they’re going through, they’ll be able to relate with you, engage with you, and trust you.

3. Share a client testimonial or transformation

Put the spotlight on your coaching clients and share their story.

What was their life like before working with you and what kind of benefits did they experience after working with you? What were they empowered to do, try, think, learn, overcome, or achieve?

What can they say about you as a coach? What do they think of your coaching program? What would they say to others still thinking about hiring you?

Showcase your clients’ testimonials, feedback, and case studies so other people know what it’s like to work with you from your clients’ perspective and in their own words.

4. Share your credentials or accomplishments

Do you have coaching credentials, awards, or other notable recognitions? Did you publish a bestselling book? Did you get featured on a reputable publication, TV show, or website? Were you ever invited to be a speaker or a guest on a podcast?

If you’ve ever accomplished something only a few others have, be proud of it and share it with your followers.

5. Share what makes you unique or an expert in your industry

Here’s an important question for any kind of business to answer but most especially for coaches in a saturated industry:

What’s your unique value proposition (UVP)?

Do you have a different take on an industry-accepted practice or way of thinking? Do a lot of people look to you for answers on a specific topic? Have you discovered a new way of doing things more efficiently or effectively?

Share what makes you stand out and stay top of mind.

+ Related: Learn about our proprietary 3-template system, Client Experience Templates™

6. Share your high-value lead magnet

If you’re serious about your coaching business, chances are that you have an email list and a high-value lead magnet to grow it.

Do you want more eyes on your roadmap or eBook? Do you want people to watch your webinar, join your community, or sign up for your 5-day challenge?

Take this opportunity to share what your lead magnet is, who it’s for, and what benefits subscribers can get from it.

Be sure to end with a clear call-to-action or CTA telling people where they can go to get it.

+ Related: 10 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches and Lead Magnets for Coaches 70+ Templates Bundle

7. Share an industry-related statistic

Look through the statistics circulating in your industry and share the most relatable or shocking one.

The idea here is to inform your followers about a trend or piece of information that they should be aware of to encourage them to take some form of action.

For example, studies show that it takes roughly 66 days to develop a new behavior or habit. If you’re a fitness coach, you could share this with your followers to motivate them to keep going and continue developing their healthy lifestyle.

8. Highlight a problem and a quick tip to solve it

To know your ideal client is to know what they’re struggling with.

Are they currently feeling confused, anxious, or overwhelmed? Do they have fears and doubts about something? What’s holding them back from achieving their goals?

Identify one problem or obstacle they’re facing right now and a quick tip to solve it, overcome it, or at least, get it under control.

9. Share your signature coaching program

Once you’ve gotten clear about who you want to help and how you’re in a position to help them, it’s time to sell your signature coaching program.

Share what your coaching program is all about, highlight the benefits of joining, and outline what your coaching clients can expect to get out of it.

Be sure to end with a clear call-to-action telling people where they can apply to join.

+ Related template: Showcase your coaching program using our Coaching Package Template

10. Share who is not a good fit for your program

Chances are that not all of your Instagram followers are a good fit for your program.

Maybe some aren’t ready to commit to a coaching program. Maybe they need a more advanced program than the one you’re currently offering. Maybe they’re looking for done-for-you services and not coaching.

Whatever the reason is, it’s important to highlight who should not be joining your coaching program to avoid confusion, headaches, and wasted time for both parties.

11. Share a mindset shift to help your ideal client

As a coach, you know the power of mindset and how some ways of thinking can keep people stuck and prevent them from moving forward.

Take today to highlight one negative thought process and share:

  • how they can identify it

  • why it’s false, misleading, or harmful to them

  • a new way they can treat a problem they’re facing

  • an alternative way they can look at obstacles in their path

  • a way to reframe their mindset about their current situation

12. Share your unique take on a current event or trend

Take note of current events and provide a unique insight to help your ideal clients.

Even if it’s an unpopular opinion, it’s good to show others that you think differently (read: thought leader), that you’re willing to voice your opinions, and that you’re empowering others to think for themselves as well.

13. Share the #1 mistake your ideal client is making

What’s one mistake you see your ideal client making over and over again?

Whether it’s procrastination, self-doubt, refusing to ask for help, or something else, take this opportunity to highlight one negative habit, behavior, or characteristic so that they can start addressing it today.

You could even share a throwback to some the biggest mistakes you’ve made in the past and how you addressed it.

14. Share the #1 FAQ you receive and your answer

Questions, comments, direct messages, and even the IG Story Q&A feature are all helpful for coming up with content ideas because these tell you exactly what’s in your target audience’s minds.

Take today to share the question/s you get asked most often and your answer/s.

15. Address the #1 sales objection of your ideal client

Be proactive and address the #1 objection people have when it comes to joining your coaching program.

Do people worry about the price of your program? The results you’re promising? The time and energy needed to complete your program?

For example, if a main concern is the high price of your coaching program, you could reframe it in a way that they could see it as more of an investment in themselves and in their future, rather than just an expense.

Want to grow your coaching business?

No need to start from scratch or hire an expensive designer — we have strategic time-saving templates for coaches to help you. Check them out below!

16. Share your signature coaching framework, formula, or strategy

If you have a signature coaching framework, formula, or strategy that has been proven to help people, be proud of it and share it with your followers.

You don’t have to give out all the details of course (that should be reserved for your paying clients) but you can share the outline or structure so that your followers can get a glimpse of what it’s all about and if they want to learn more.

Again, be sure to end with a clear CTA telling people what to do if they feel they are ready for the next step.

17. Share a list of positive habits or daily tasks

Could your ideal coaching clients benefit from daily meditation? Exercise? Planning the night before? How about a morning or evening routine?

Take today to come up with a list of habits or daily tasks that can help your ideal coaching clients perform better on a daily basis.

As John Maxwell once said, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

+ Related posts: 12 Morning Habits and 12 Evening Habits Worth Developing

18. Share a list of helpful books, tools, or resources

As a coach, you most likely have a list of books, tools, or resources that have changed your life for the better. Why not share your personal recommendations to your followers so that they can benefit from them too?

+ Related: See Productive and Free’s list of Tools and Resources

19. Share behind-the-scenes or personal content

Let your followers in and share some behind-the-scenes or personal content to make them feel more connected to you.

Here are 15 content ideas you can post about:

  1. How you structure your day plus your habits and routines

  2. A peek at upcoming projects you’re working on

  3. Who each member of your team is and what they do

  4. Your friends, family members, or pets

  5. Your hobbies and interests

  6. Personal goals, milestones, or accomplishments

  7. How you celebrate different occasions or holidays

  8. Fun facts about you only a few people know about

  9. An event you attended

  10. Things that inspire you

  11. Things you’re grateful for

  12. Things you couldn’t live without

  13. Your everyday personal or business tools

  14. Something you’re struggling with and how you’re working on it

  15. Something that made you smile, laugh, cry, or feel excited recently

20. Share a list of things your ideal client should start or stop doing

Time to take the direct approach and share a list of things your ideal coaching clients should immediately start or stop doing.

If you’re a productivity coach, maybe it’s for them to start using a planner. If you’re a marketing coach, maybe it’s to set marketing goals for their business. If you’re a leadership coach, maybe it’s to read more books.

If you’re a health coach, maybe it’s for them to stop buying groceries when they’re hungry. If you’re a business coach, maybe it’s to stop trying to do all of their business tasks on their own. If you’re a mindset coach, maybe it’s to stop with all the negative self-talk.

Whatever it is, be sure to make it simple, relevant, and actionable.

21. Share or encourage user-generated content

Show that you’re in touch with your community by putting the spotlight on them.

Look through the entries for your branded hashtag (if you have one), your followers’ Instagram accounts, or even posts you’re tagged in.

Has someone in your community achieved something recently? Posted something inspiring? Overcame an obstacle? Completed a project? Shared about a big or small win for the week?

Repost them to your account so you and your followers can all celebrate them together and support each other.

You can also use Instagram’s Stickers to encourage engagement:

  • Poll Stickers

  • Question Stickers

  • Quiz Stickers

  • “DM Me” Stickers

You can even ask questions from within your post, Stories, or Reels and encourage your followers to:

  • Share their answers in the comments

  • Go live / post a Story on their own account to share their thoughts

  • Post something on their feed and tag you

  • Tag their friends they think could benefit from seeing your post

22. Share a powerful and relatable quote

Never underestimate the power of quotes when trying to grow your Instagram account and attract your ideal coaching clients.

People love it when they scroll through their feed and come across a quote they can resonate with, share with others, or save to refer back to later.

+ Related post: 101 Quotes to Boost Your Productivity

23. Share a quick how-to guide or strategy

It’s easy to forget how difficult some things once were when you’re no longer the beginner.

Today’s prompt is for you to put yourself in a beginner’s shoes and share a quick how-to guide, strategy, or step-by-step process you wish you knew sooner.

For example, you may be familiar with the 80/20 Rule but that doesn’t mean everyone is too. You could share this strategy with your followers to encourage them to prioritize their most impactful tasks instead of wasting time on other less important to-dos.

24. Call out what’s holding your client back

Today’s the day to call out your ideal clients’ limiting beliefs or excuses.

The goal here is to stop them in their tracks, make them evaluate a negative pattern, or give them some tough love.

What’s holding them back from all the success and happiness they want? What external factor are they blaming their situation on? What’s their reason for procrastinating?

Do they say they don’t have enough time? Do they experience impostor syndrome? Are they using past mistakes or disappointments as excuses? Do they have a fear of failure?

Use today to shed light on one prevailing limiting belief or excuse so they can begin to address it.

You could even share some of your own limiting beliefs or excuses in the past, how it affected your life, and how you were able to overcome it.

25. Share your vision of success for your ideal client

Talk directly to your ideal coaching clients and share your goals for them. Paint a picture of what’s possible for them and tell them what you genuinely want for them and their life.

Do you see them opening their own business one day? Do you want them not worrying about their mortgage or children’s tuition? Do you want them starting their day with purpose and going to bed feeling fulfilled?

Share what their success looks like in your mind and be as specific as possible so as to help them visualize it for themselves too.

26. Share an encouraging message for your ideal client

Show some empathy today for your followers who may be struggling with something difficult.

Maybe they’re trying to deal with anxiety or fear. Maybe they’re worried about their business or relationships. Maybe they’re feeling inadequate or unworthy.

Make them feel “seen” by you and let them know they’re not alone. Share an encouraging message to motivate them to keep going and keep moving forward.

27. Mention a thought leader you admire

If you’ve been in business for a while, chances are that you know other thought leaders you admire and support.

Why not put the spotlight on them and share their story so your followers can learn from them and be inspired by them too?

You could also interview them, go live with them, share one of their quotes, or even repost from their Instagram account (with their permission of course).

28. Share the causes or nonprofits you care about

One way for people to get to know you is to know your values so be sure to share the causes or nonprofit organizations you care about.

If you’re passionate about something or regularly donate to charities, why not share them in your account so you could raise more awareness and your followers could become familiar with them too?

29. Ask your ideal client a powerful question or share a statement to fill in the blanks

Get your followers pondering on important questions you’d normally reserve for your coaching clients.

Show a glimpse of your amazing coaching skills by posing a question or statement that really empowers them to reflect or question the way they normally see, do, or think about things.

30. Create a challenge or series

Increase your followers’ engagement and accountability by creating a challenge or series.

You could create a simple 5-day, 7-day, or 30-day challenge wherein you share prompts or tasks they can follow every day, along with a branded hashtag for easy reference.

The goal is to get them to follow along and take action as you walk them through a process to reach a specific goal or solve a problem.

You could even have a contest or giveaway to increase the number of participants and drive more engagement.

+ Related templates: 5-Day Challenge Template Bundle and 30-Day Challenge Template Bundle

31. Share a relevant reminder with action steps

Last but not the least in this list of content ideas, share a powerful and relevant reminder to your followers and include action steps they can take today or for the week.

You could even post this on a Monday and because you’re a coach, ask them to update you on Friday of that same week to see if they followed through.

This could help them see the value of having a coach and experience the benefits of accountability.

Over to You

Instagram marketing can be a powerful strategy for coaches to attract their ideal coaching clients. But since it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose consistency in using this social media platform, consider these 31 no-fluff Instagram content ideas for coaches to help you speed up content creation and start connecting with your followers faster.

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