The Power of Personal Time: Boosting Professional Productivity


If you're like many people, you may prioritize work and focus most of your energy on a fulfilling career while solidifying your chances for advancement. While that’s important and hard work is necessary to succeed, if you’re not taking time for yourself, then you may be doing yourself a great disservice. It’s essential that you practice self-care and plan your week so that you can enjoy your favorite hobbies and unwind. Doing so could be the secret to higher productivity on the job.

There’s much to learn about the importance of personal time and how it can help your career. Educate yourself and use the tips here to succeed at home and work.

You Must Make Time For Yourself

Work is essential, but if it's all you think about, you're setting yourself up for failure. By working nonstop, you're increasing your chances of burnout. While burnout can mean something different to everyone, it often involves losing the passion you once had for your job while feeling physically and mentally exhausted. In addition to potential health concerns, the longer you work without breaks, the higher the chance your quality will decrease, and you could start making mistakes that you wouldn't make otherwise.

According to recent studies, 42% of the global workforce reports burnout, likely because they work too hard or their company requires too much. Compare that number to the happiness of workers who enjoy a work-life balance, as 33% of those employees plan to stay at their jobs and are likely happier with their employer.

A suitable work-life balance will make you more content at work and could lead to increased productivity. Especially if you’re stressed in a fast-paced work setting, taking a break, meditating, and returning refreshed could be what you need to tackle the problem with a refreshed mind frame. Breaks and a strong work-life balance can even help you work with your teams because you'll be in a better mood, which can help you be more patient. The benefits to your work and your physical and mental health make the necessity of personal time a no-brainer.

How To Balance Hobbies With Your Work

You may look at your situation and believe that your job or life doesn't allow you the chance to enjoy your personal time. Remember that there's always an opportunity to make a change and learn to find balance in your daily life.

If your work schedule makes you feel chained to your desk, then your first step is to learn to say no. Yes, you should work your schedule and complete your tasks, but if you're constantly asked to work overtime or you know you're being overworked, you need to stand up for yourself. Do so politely, but put your foot down for your own well-being.

Scheduling is also vital when you're trying to maximize your personal time. Stick to your schedule at work, and when your shift is over, turn off your computer, leave the work phone behind, and enjoy your life. You can also schedule your hobbies. Block out time during the afternoon to work on your gardening or on weekends to work on your art. Set reminders and stick to them. Allow enough time for your hobbies so you can enjoy them and use them to maximize your work at the office.

Hobbies That Can Help Your Work

Filling your free time with fun and productive hobbies is the best way to boost your professional productivity. There are many incredibly fulfilling activities that may catch your interest. Most creative pursuits, from painting to woodworking, are great for your mental health because you get to see something amazing come out of nothing and know that you made it happen. Plus, since most art is subjective, you can think outside the box and apply the same processes to your work.

Many hobbies can be both fun and educational. You may use your off-time to learn a new language or to play an instrument. Pursuits like these allow you to learn new skills while having fun, so it’s less of a chore. It’s good to keep this part of your brain working so you can continue to learn new processes at your job and succeed.

In addition to hobbies, the other best way to maximize your personal time is by practicing self-care, and you can start with exercise. Make it a routine to begin each day with your own exercise routine. Whether it's yoga or weight lifting, this regime will make you physically stronger while also giving you time to think and work through your stress so you can go to the job feeling good.

A healthy diet is also vital to your success in and out of the office. Avoid fast food and trans fats, which can bog you down mentally and physically. A positive diet with fruit, vegetables, and nuts will give you energy and help you stay positive. You can even make cooking a new hobby. Making completed dishes from a handful of ingredients can be incredibly rewarding and boost your self-esteem.


If you're feeling bogged down at work and know that you need to make the most of your personal time, then this is the time to make a change. Find a hobby that fulfills you, and you'll enjoy each new day much more.

Katie Brenneman

Katie is a passionate writer specializing in time management, marketing, and education-related content. When she isn't writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter.

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