Mastering Time Management: Productivity Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

Productivity Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs | ProductiveandFree

Entrepreneurs are known to burn the midnight oil, sacrificing sleep, relationships, and health to try and succeed in a competitive market. It’s not easy.

But ‘making it’ as an entrepreneur doesn’t need to lead to burnout or a 24/7 work, work, work lifestyle. Once you master time management, you’ll realize there’s plenty of time to get things done and have a life. This two-pack punch is everything you need, the core of your system to time management.

The Get Things Done (GTD) Method

Being productive is about getting things done, not just putting in the hours. We’re often proud of grinding at our desks for 12 hours a day, only to realize that nothing has been ticked off the list.  To make the process simpler, the business can adopt amazon fba tools

That’s where the GTD method comes in. It involves 5 simple steps to, well, get things done:

Step 1. Instead of cramming your brain with thoughts, capture them. Once you’ve written it down, it’s gone. Don’t let it fry your brain, and focus on the task at hand.

Step 2. You can’t just scribble down random notes and be done with it. No, you need to clarify your thoughts into action steps. Is it part of a wider project, something you need to work on today, or simply an idea or a point to look at later.

Step 3. Now we’re getting somewhere. Organize your notes into a calendar or to-do list, leveraging the power of third-party tools to help you get there. Asana is great, but a basic Google Doc or Sheet can be just as handy.

Step 4. Review your lists consistently. Set some time aside for it at the end of your day and/or week, ensuring you keep things in sensible organization.

Step 5. This is where you have to engage with the lists you’ve put together. There’s no point to doing any of this unless you take some action, right? 

For all of this, we’re going to argue that it’s time to go retro and start writing, old school style. Or write things up on your laptop/iPad and then print it off.

Just like the effectiveness of print in marketing, there’s something about making your list tactile, real. Research shows that something on paper, whether written or printed, is far more likely to be actioned vs. a digital copy.

Time Management | ProductiveandFree

The Pomodoro Technique

We all struggle with distractions. That pesky smartphone is the worst one of all. Even when you’re trying not to look at it, it’s calling to you, like the ring with Frodo. My Precious, indeed...

Well, fear not, the GTP method has often been coupled by many with the Pomodoro Technique. It’s one of the most effective ways to combat distractions and beat procrastination.

It’s a super simple technique, but it really does work. This is what you do:

Step 1. Pick a task, anything. Just make it into a chunk that won’t last longer than 25 minutes.

Step 2. Set your timer for, you guessed it, 25 minutes.

Step 3. Once that timer starts, focus on your task. Don’t let anything distract you. If you look at your phone even once, restart the timer.

Step 4. You’ve made it through 25 minutes. Congratulations? Reward yourself with a 5 minute break.

Step 5. Made it through 4 pomodoros? You’ve got a nice little prize: take 30 minutes off, wasting it in whatever manner you wish. We recommend going for a walk, taking your eyes off the screen, or simply dozing and letting time pass without a worry in the world.

For some people, 25 minutes isn’t enough. They go for a 50-10 split. It doesn’t really matter how you configure your time, as long as you stick to the core rule: never look at your phone when the timer is running.

For many people, using the Harry Potter ambiance music is absolutely perfect for this. It adds a layer of fun, the music has been crafted for full focus, and these playlists have been made with Pomodoro in mind.

Remember, it’ll take some time to get into the flow. Don’t expect miracles on day 1. And if you mess up, don’t sweat it. We’re all human, yes, even entrepreneurs.

The key is finding a system, fine-tuning it to work with your specific psychological and physical needs and ticks, and sticking to it. Once you’re there, you’ll wonder why you never started earlier. 

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